

Information Session

In our info sessions we talk briefly about the history of Jasper County CASA, who can be a CASA, and what the commitment looks like. We also have a time at the end for people to ask questions. Click the link to register! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwodeyvrzIsG92ECMUSql3z77fIpKo7oqBb

Information Session

In our info sessions we talk briefly about the history of Jasper County CASA, who can be a CASA, and what the commitment looks like. We also have a time at the end for people to ask questions. Click the link to register! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-qhrD4vH9wGBlSZFV7whAn-hQg48lOk

Information Session

In our info sessions we talk briefly about the history of Jasper County CASA, who can be a CASA, and what the commitment looks like. We also have a time at the end for people to ask questions. Click the link to register! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIofuyhpz8tGtaQJOv9cZx8H8Hbn_CAR0on

Info Session

In our info sessions we talk briefly about the history of Jasper County CASA, who can be a CASA, and what the commitment looks like. We also have a time at the end for people to ask questions. Click the link to register! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoduupqDIsE9Nr8fPYMt-bhLtNcTsvdpI-

Info Session

In our info sessions we talk briefly about the history of Jasper County CASA, who can be a CASA, and what the commitment looks like. We also have a time at the end for people to ask questions. Click the link to register! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocO6pqT0jE9Yc9HPAH6av749jmjE3f_Ok

Interested in learning more about Jasper County CASA?

Please visit our Contact Information page HERE, or fill out and submit the form below to have someone reach out to you soon. Thanks!
